Program Visualization Workshop 2011

Sixth Program Visualization Workshop
June 30-July 1, 2011
Darmstadt, Germany

The Program Visualization Workshops aim to bring together researchers who design and construct program, algorithm, or data structure visualizations or animations, and, above all, educators who use or evaluate visualization or animations in their teaching.

After Workshops held in Porvoo, Finnland (2000), Kirkeby, Denmark (2002), Coventry, England(2004), Florence, Italy (2006) and Madrid, Spain (2008), the Sixth Program Visualization Workshop will be held in Darmstadt, Germany.

The Sixth Program Visualization Workshop (PVW2011) shall be held in cooperation with ACM SIGCSE 2011, ACM's Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education. It will take place immediately following ITiCSE 2011, also held in Darmstadt, Germany. The proximity of the PVW to ITiCSE makes attendance at both events easy and attractive.

The goal of the workshop is to analyze the state-of-art program visualization methods, and to form a deeper understanding on meaningful and functional visualization in the context of programming, data structures and algorithms in education, industry, and research.

The organizers of the workshop are looking for research and position papers as well as reports on work in progress on novel ideas in the field. To be accepted, the submitted paper of 3-5 pages should present a new approach or constructively evaluate an existing visualization paradigm, scheme, or technique. The number of participants will be limited to 25.

Accepted papers will be presented and discussed at the workshop, and the authors will have time to compose the final version within three months after the workshop. The proceedings will include the final papers, together with invited lectures. The publisher of the final proceedings will be announced here later.

© Dr. Guido Roessling 2015